Morgan Show and Sport Bloodlines: A Comparison
- At April 06, 2021
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If you didn’t get to read this article when it was hot off the presses, here is your chance! Just added to the Articles page, under Breeding and Selection tab:
- At January 29, 2020
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Thanks to everyone who has been liking and sharing our Facebook page. Keep spreading the word and passing the word!
Along those lines, what keeps people interested in seeing what our wonderful breed can do is fresh news shared on the Facebook page. And articles that you might have written or been written about you and your Morgan made available on the website. So, please, let us know! You can contact us by email ( or via Messenger ( Pictures and videos of good quality are especially great.
We want to let everyone share in your successes!
Significant Mares In The Pedigrees Of FEI Dressage Morgans
- At January 25, 2020
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Be sure and check out this article in the January/February The Morgan Horse magazine.
Facebook Page Launched!
- At January 18, 2020
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Just in case you don’t know, the Morgan Sport Resource Facebook page has been launched!
The goal of our Facebook page is to provide a venue in social media to highlight the many, many accomplishments of Morgans in sport. And if you have visited our page, you can see there are Morgans competing and doing very, very well against all breeds and at the highest levels of their respective sports.
This is worth repeating: doing very, very well against all breeds and at the highest levels. This means Grand Prix at Dressage and Jumping, Preliminary and above in Eventing, ranking at the top of the national standings for Western Dressage and Endurance, qualifying and competing at the International level in Combined Driving–and much more.
Visit (and follow, please!) our Facebook page. Make sure you like the posts to let everyone know how much you appreciate their effort and hard work promoting our breed in open competition. Share the posts and invite others to follow the page, especially non-Morgan folks.
And don’t be shy letting us know about your accomplishments!
Welcome to the Morgan Sport Resource!
- At January 09, 2020
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Welcome to the Morgan Sport Resource!
This website is designed to be a source of information for breeders interested in producing Morgans for sport. It is also designed to showcase those Morgans (and their riders!) who have gotten out in open competition–often at the highest levels of their discipline–and proven that Morgans can excel as sport horses.
We will adding articles, pictures, updating databases, a photo gallery, posting editorials and more in the future. A Facebook page, whose purpose will be to further highlight Morgan success in sport, is in the planning as well. There are still a few glitches and formatting to work through as well (i.e. the Contact page is not operational yet), so please be patient!
For stallion owners, we will announce when that portion of the website is ready to go.
Again, welcome! Please browse through the website and enjoy the information and pictures.